NPS Prism for Auto

Benchmark your CX &
win share of garage

Give customer teams competitive insights to run smarter programs

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against 26+ leading auto companies including...

NPS Prism for Auto provides insights into which moments matter most to your customers — helping you turn customers into promoters.

All through one dashboard combined with expert analysis from Bain, you’ll gain actionable insights about which CX improvements to prioritize. NPS Prism shows where you’re leading, lagging, and how to close the gaps.

What CX metrics
should I analyze?

Relationship NPS

Your score at the brand level vs. competitors.

Vehicle NPS

NPS by vehicle model and breakdown of promoters and detractors across competitors.

Episode NPS

For each episode, understand the relationship between incidence (i.e., how often it is happening) and NPS for your OEM and competitors.

Share of garage

Which vehicles are most commonly used and owned as the “primary vehicle” and understand where your OEM stands relative to competitors.

Operational KPIs

How you and competitors perform on customer reported metrics (e.g., wait times).